About Our

PT Teknindo Sentosa Utama is a company under the Law of the Republic of Indonesia established under the Deed of Establishment of PT Teknindo Sentosa Utama No. 52 dated April 27, 2023, made before Jihan Khoirini S.H., MKn., Notary in West Bandung. The deed has been approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. AHU-008767.AH.01.11.2023, May 15, 2023.

This company is engaged in the field of general suppliers and general contractor with domestic territory and also several countries in Southeast Asia (Asean) and continues to develop its business throughout the region in Asia.

Business Overview

PT. Teknindo Sentosa Utama engages in general supply and contracting services, catering to international customers, particularly from ASEAN countries, to address raw material shortages. As a general contractor, we oversee construction projects, managing coordination, design, and labor supervision. We assess project documents, estimate costs, and collaborate with specialized subcontractors. Safety remains our priority throughout, encompassing various responsibilities from permits to waste management. Our objective is to deliver top-notch service and quality, facilitated by our proficient workforce, ensuring customer satisfaction and dedicated support for clients’ businesses.

The Management

Board of Commissioner
Commissioner: Ir. Syaiful Idham

Board of Director
President Director ​: Emmanuel Slamet Sentosa
Director​​: Agus Patkun Prasetyo
Director​​: Wahyuni Samual


Become a general supplier and contractor company that is professional, has integrity and has high capability. And leading company in sustainable construction and supplier in National and International market.


  • Develop reliable quality human resources, quality products and services according to customer expectations.
  • Become a company be able to competitive nationally and internationally
  • Increase competitive advantage by creating innovation through use of technology
  • Expanding business opportunities through the development of professional networks.
  • Providing the best service to consumers related to construction and supplier products


PT TSU was approved by :

  • Ministry of Law and Human Right with reference number AHU-0088767.AH.01.11.Tahun 2023 15 Mei 2023
  • NPWP (Tax Identification Number) : No 40.918.927.1-421.000
  • NIB (Bussiness Registration Number) : No 1905230086555